Wellington-based car-share organisation, Hitch, wants to trial their scheme in Paekākāriki. paekakariki.nz supports this carbon-reducing initiative – read on to discover how you can become involved.

Frustrated with your commute? No wonder! Every day in New Zealand over 1.5 million people drive to work in a private vehicle. Nearly all of those people drive alone. The end effect is that 5.5 million empty seats are going to and from work every day. Empty seats means traffic congestion, a strain on resources and most importantly – contribution to climate change. Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing humanity, and this is particularly pertinent in sea-side settlements. One of the easiest ways for us to make an impact on our footprint is staring us right in the face – our commute.

Hitch is a technology platform that aims to connect commuters heading in the same direction at the same time. It will provide a safe, flexible, administration-free way to search for others heading in the same direction, at the same time and connect. Hitch is keen to run trials in Paekākāriki. Are you interested in being among the first to use Hitch? If you want to be a part of something big, something new, something good – sign up or read more at www.hitcharide.co.nz.
Read more about Hitch here: