Paekākāriki School tamariki get predator-free creative

Tamariki in Ngā Kākāno at Paekākāriki School got creative recently and wrote a story based around the theme of ‘predators and me’. Some great stories were created – here’s a selection of them.

Whaea Loutje tells us more: Tamariki had the opportunity to write their own stories, either based on real events or from their imagination. They began by drafting their tales, then edited them using a dictionary to ensure correct spelling. The stories were polished and finished with an accompanying drawing. Among the many stories created, four pieces were selected to be read aloud during the school assembly.

Supported by Predator Free Paekākāriki with thanks to Bhavesh from the Village Grocery Store for the donation of some yummy Fix and Fogg peanut butter for the kids!