To celebrate peace and commemorate Parihaka, Himiona Grace and Julia Truscott are creating a major Paekākāriki event – their second Rangi Mārie Peace Festival, 22- 23 November.
Mishy Rikihana-Vieira
To celebrate peace and commemorate Parihaka, Himiona Grace and Julia Truscott are creating a major Paekākāriki event – their second Rangi Mārie Peace Festival, 22- 23 November.
Judith Galtry
Local history writer, Judith Galtry, lived next door to who she describes as the last hermit in Paekākāriki for many years. She shares her neighbour’s complex story with insight and compassion. Read an excerpt here then the full article on Newsroom.
Judith Galtry
Hilary Baxter, a powerful but not widely recognised poet, was a Paekākāriki identity. Judith Galtry has updated her original story with new content and we share it here.
Sally Heppenstall
Potty Potters is a local voluntary group enabling kids to learn gardening skills at Paekākāriki School. And they need your help!
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