Arts & heritage
Established in 2009, the Trust tells the story of the 15,000 U.S. Marines who lived in three large camps at Paekākāriki from 1942 to late 1943. There are displays at the Paekākāriki Station Museum, the southern end of QE Park and MacKays Crossing.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything
St Peter's Village Hall
Beach Rd
Beach Rd
Paekakariki Community Trust
The Film Festival shows films in St Peter's Village Hall, Paekakariki, generally in the winter, as a way to raise funds to maintain and upgrade the hall's facilities. All profits go to the St Peter's Village Hall fund.
An event run by the Paekakariki Community Trust.
An event run by the Paekakariki Community Trust.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, Clubs & groups, On the town
Established in 2004, the KCO provides an opportunity for members to develop their musicianship, explore orchestral repertoire and provide public performances in the Kāpiti community. The KCO also combines with local choirs and youth to encourage wide participation.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything
Paekākāriki History Group
Station Museum
Mon: 7pm (monthly)
Jane Cherry
027 406 8455
Aim: To promote and support the museum, archive and village history. We run events, collect archival material, support local publications, and projects.
The Old Dental Clinic
Paekākāriki School
90 Wellington Rd
Paekākāriki School
90 Wellington Rd
Aired: 8am-11pm daily
Paekākāriki 88.2FM is a volunteer run radio station produced for the community by the community. You can listen at Or download our app.
We are always appreciative of new members, both to present radio shows, work with our tamariki and to also help out.
We are always appreciative of new members, both to present radio shows, work with our tamariki and to also help out.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, Directory of Everything, Local Services
Railway Station
Sat-Sun: 11am-3pm
Most public holidays: 11am-3pm
Most public holidays: 11am-3pm
Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson - 0212277623
Michael O'Leary - 04 905 7978
Michael O'Leary - 04 905 7978
The Station Precinct Trust has restored the historic south-end signal box and is responsible for the Paekākāriki Arts Walk as well as tending many historical artefacts on display in its Museum. There is also a bookshop & coffee shop attached to the museum.
Queen Elizabeth Park
Mackays Crossing entrance
Mackays Crossing entrance
Sat-Sun: 11am-4.30pm
Public holidays: 11am-4.30pm
Open daily Boxing Day-late Jan
Public holidays: 11am-4.30pm
Open daily Boxing Day-late Jan
Take a fun ride, enjoy the nature. Take time to look at the displays and photos on show in the Tram Barn and have a look at videos of trams in action or become a member and assist with restoration, drive trams etc. Our kiosk is open selling cold drinks, ice creams and snacks.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, With the young
The Old Dental Clinic
Paekākāriki School
90 Wellington Rd
Paekākāriki School
90 Wellington Rd
James Albertson
As part of Paekākāriki 88.2FM our tamariki at Paekākāriki School have the opportunity to run their own lunchtime half-hour radio shows 1-1.30pm weekdays (repeating 8-8.30am). They share music, stories, news and talk to others, growing their public presentation & technical skills.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, Directory of Everything, With the young
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, Directory of Everything
The Engine Shed
SH 1
SH 1
Mon-Sat: 9am-4pm
Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support the activities of the Society. Frequent excursions to different destinations, typically every 1-2 months as advertised.
Filed Under: Arts & heritage, A-Z, Directory of Everything, On the town, With the young
Community service
Val Little
An all-inclusive friendly festival.
Celebrate our wonderful diverse rainbow communities in the fabulous seaside village of Paekākāriki.
All welcome.
Celebrate our wonderful diverse rainbow communities in the fabulous seaside village of Paekākāriki.
All welcome.
Filed Under: Clubs & groups, Community service
Cnr Tilley Rd and Te Miti St
A small community library on the corner of Tilley Road and Te Miti Street. Cared for and run by the community. Donate a book, grab a book, and help keep it tidy.
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything, Lending libraries
Doris Zuur
The Pātāka Kai is a Paekākāriki community pantry for sharing where all are invited to 'Give what you can, and take what you need' (for yourself or your Paekākāriki friends or neighbours).
Filed Under: Eat, A-Z, Clubs & groups, Community service, Directory of Everything, Eat, drink, sleep
Te Whare Rāranga ō Paekākāriki
Tilley Rd Reserve
Tilley Rd Reserve
8 am - 9 pm
Wai Ata Studio is a community creative space in QE Park. We produce video, music, podcasts, record audio for ads/film/video, demos for musicians/bands and more!
Burma Support Paekākāriki is a solidarity group set up following the February 2021 military coup in Burma. We spread awareness of and raise funds for Burma/Myanmar's Civil Disobedience movement and conflict and/or Covid-affected communities.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Community service, Directory of Everything
For Mental Health Foundation telephone counselling dial 1737
Sylvia Bagnall
We have a group of professional counsellors, some semi-retired, who you can talk to. For advice or to get a referral call Sylvia Bagnall 021 744 485. If you’re worried about a friend, encourage them to call or get permission for one of our counsellors to call.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Community service, Directory of Everything
Good Bitches Baking is a network of people who want to show kindness to those in their communities who are having a tough time. We do this by baking them a delicious treat. Become a baker! All baking done in the village, stays in the village.
Filed Under: Eat, A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything, Eat, drink, sleep
Pae Kai is a group of Paekākāriki volunteers who regularly create simple, home-cooked meals. We provide these as a once (or twice) off gesture of support to those of us in our local community going through a time of need and hardship.
Filed Under: Eat, A-Z, Clubs & groups, Community service, Local Services
Wainuiwhenua is a community-led group working with local iwi to achieve the best future uses of surplus Transmission Gully land for the Paekākāriki community and Kāpiti District.
Filed Under: Clubs & groups, Community service, Environmental
Fire Station
31 Tilley Road
31 Tilley Road
Paekākāriki has had a volunteer fire brigade for 75 years and has a great reputation. The team is part of Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ). Aotearoa’s model of a service with volunteer and career firefighters throughout the country was formed in 2017.
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything
The Paekākāriki Community Board is elected by the community every three years to provide a voice for the community with council, and work in the community interest. We also administer two grants schemes which you can apply to. Come and meet us with your concerns.
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything, Misc, Official stuff
St Peter’s Village Hall
Beach Rd
Beach Rd
The primary objective is to refurbish and maintain St Peter's Village Hall in Paekakariki and to manage it as a community centre and resource for the whole community,
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything
Mark Amery
Paekākāriki Informed Communities Inc is the charitable trust who govern this website and our local radio station. If you'd like to get involved with this friendly collective, do get in touch.
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything
We are looking for innovative, practical, win-win solutions to housing difficulties in Paekākāriki with specific challenges that we are motivated to remedy. If you're interested, do get in touch, come along to a hui or check out our website and Facebook pages.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Community service, Directory of Everything
Pae Cycle is a local service that collects household food scraps and turns them into compost for the community garden.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental, POG
Maree White
A volunteer, not-for-profit, community effort to rid Paekākāriki of predators. We would love for you to join us in making Paekākāriki predator free! Predator control helps to protect all of our native flora and fauna. Join our group and we’ll help you get started trapping!
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
Wainuiwhenua is a community-led group working with local iwi to achieve the best future uses of surplus Transmission Gully land for the Paekākāriki community and Kāpiti District.
Filed Under: Clubs & groups, Community service, Environmental
The Kāpiti Biodiversity Project covers four main areas: Queen Elizabeth Park, the Paekākāriki-Pukerua Bay Escarpment, the Whareroa Farm Reserve and part of Perkins farm/Middle Run. Birds (including kororā - blue penguins), lizards, weta, rare dune plants, stream restoration.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
Community Gardens
North end of Tilley Rd
Queen Elizabeth Park
North end of Tilley Rd
Queen Elizabeth Park
Hannah Zwartz
POG is Paekākāriki’s community gardening group. We are working together to make Paekākāriki a place of abundant organic food production - in home gardens, on berms, at the school - and have established a community orchard and garden at the North end of Tilley Rd.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
A gardening group that welcomes volunteers at Paekākāriki School - gardeners and non-gardeners, parents, grandparents and non-parents. Our plant sales raise money to fund the gardening curriculum - our students learn about gardening and cooking from our experienced gardeners.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental, With the young
The Friends Trustees
Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park are an active group who help to look after the Park’s dune, wetland and forest native plants and animals. The Friends are involved in restoration, conservation, and where possible expanding these ecosystems. They welcome new volunteers.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
Set up in 1997 to reverse the drastic decline of coastal forest, we’re aiming to create a continuous ribbon of bird-safe native forest from Porirua through to Waikanae. Join us and be part of our award winning conservation project.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
Whareroa Farm
Mackays Crossing
Mackays Crossing
Ann Evans
A Charitable Trust of volunteers which was established to protect and develop Whareroa Farm Reserve (WFR) as a reserve for environmental and heritage conservation and public enjoyment. Planting working bees, pest control, track development, guided tours.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental, With the young
Miles Thompson
An informal group established to help ensure a community-led approach to design of the seawall. Interested in making sure that the wealth of local knowledge, experts and ideas in Paekākāriki are utilised in planning for our future.
Filed Under: Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Environmental
Flo McNeill
Committed to looking after our precious streams in Paekākāriki. Te Puka & Wainui Streams to the North, and Waikakariki Stream to the South.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Environmental
124 Wellington Road
A new-agey goodwill information centre based here in Paekākāriki. We hold regular full moon meditation meetings, have a library of spiritual books from a very wide range of traditions, plus we have books, prints and cards for sale.
Filed Under: Faith-based, Lending libraries
All welcome.
For further information about events, activities and pastoral care refer
For further information about events, activities and pastoral care refer
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Faith-based
Lending libraries
Cnr Tilley Rd and Te Miti St
A small community library on the corner of Tilley Road and Te Miti Street. Cared for and run by the community. Donate a book, grab a book, and help keep it tidy.
Filed Under: A-Z, Community service, Directory of Everything, Lending libraries
124 Wellington Road
A new-agey goodwill information centre based here in Paekākāriki. We hold regular full moon meditation meetings, have a library of spiritual books from a very wide range of traditions, plus we have books, prints and cards for sale.
Filed Under: Faith-based, Lending libraries
52 Tilley Rd
A sweet wee free library set-up on the berm. Boasts a seat for one, book-lined walls and solar powered lights Take, swap, refill, respect!
Filed Under: A-Z, Lending libraries, Local Services, With the young
14 Wellington Rd
Mon & Wed: 1.30pm-4.30pm
Sat: 10am-2pm.
Sat: 10am-2pm.
04 296 4700
or 0800 486 486
or 0800 486 486
In the Tennis Club rooms you'll find our local little library. There is a good selection of books, DVDs, CDs, eBooks, jigsaws, talking books and magazines for all ages, two computers (with free wifi). Printing, photocopying, faxing and scanning available.
By appointment
We recycle bikes and lend them out for a small annual fee. Our focus is sustainable transport. We have bikes of all sizes available.
Currently operating a limited service from homes, due to St Peter's Hall basement being closed. Please do not leave bikes there.
Currently operating a limited service from homes, due to St Peter's Hall basement being closed. Please do not leave bikes there.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Lending libraries, Local Services, Sports & recreation, With the young
Schools & playgroups
We are the home of The Barefoot Learner, where belonging, connecting, exploring and thriving are our valued guiding principles. Paekākāriki locals and visitors alike are welcomed here to share in our community spirit.
Filed Under: A-Z, Education, Schools & playgroups, With the young
20 Wellington Rd
Mon, Tues: 9am-12.30pm
Fri: 9am-12.30pm (bilingual session)
Fri: 9am-12.30pm (bilingual session)
027 880 2745
Paekākāriki Playcentre provides three sessions a week: Mon, Tues, & Friday where the focus is on child-initiated play, whānau and community. Ages birth to 6 years. Pop in and visit us!
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Schools & playgroups, With the young
Sports & recreation
Sue Hurst
We meet on Wednesday morning from 6.50am to 8am for mutual help with the art of speaking in public. We are focusing on sharing and developing the art of telling stories from our lives, and on the tricky act of impromptu speaking.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Sports & recreation
Sue Hurst
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Sports & recreation
Paul - 022 095 5965
Robyn - 022 062 65024
Robyn - 022 062 65024
Paul & Robyn
Community ukulele group that includes lessons for tamariki.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Sports & recreation
Te Whare Rāranga ō Paekākāriki
Tilley Rd Reserve
Tilley Rd Reserve
8 am - 9 pm
Wai Ata Studio is a community creative space in QE Park. We produce video, music, podcasts, record audio for ads/film/video, demos for musicians/bands and more!
Kris Ericksen
Members of the Wellington Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club have been flying the coastal escarpment above Paekākāriki since 1973. When there is a gentle wind between 15 and 25 km/hr coming from between the west and north you can often see us flying above the Paekakariki Hill Road.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Sports & recreation
Paekākāriki Bowling Club
10 Wellington Road
10 Wellington Road
Team A is a Competitive team. Team B is a women's social team.
The league runs from April - October. 8 players from each team play every Wednesday night at different venues between Paekākāriki and Ōtaki.
The league runs from April - October. 8 players from each team play every Wednesday night at different venues between Paekākāriki and Ōtaki.
Filed Under: Sports & recreation
No previous experience is needed and families are welcome. The club is run collectively with 5 tables. We ask members to pay an annual sub to cover hall hire: $40 per season.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Sports & recreation
Queen Elizabeth Park
Mackays Crossing
Mackays Crossing
Sat & Sun: weather dependent
Spectators are welcome at any time at the club when members are flying. There is a good vantage point on the slope running up behind the club house. If you have children with you, please make sure they do not wander off. Strictly no dogs.
Contact Ian McMillan.
Contact Ian McMillan.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, On the town, Sports & recreation, With the young
The Parade Nth
Queen Elizabeth Park
Queen Elizabeth Park
Laura Taylor
The Paekākāriki Surf Lifeguards patrol Paekākāriki Beach from November through March. We have a large active membership of junior surf (7-13 years) and senior members (14 years+) & offer competitive training squads for surf sports.
Filed Under: At the beach, A-Z, Clubs & groups, Sports & recreation, With the young
Cnr of Wellington & Robertson Rds
Mixed seniors: Thursday evenings 6-8pm and Sundays 3-5pm
Junior coaching: Sun 10am
Junior coaching: Sun 10am
Mark Stables
Mark Stables ph 027 6072248
New members are very welcome.
A low cost family membership allows you to take part in club days/nights with free entry in club tournaments, along with subsidised beginner level coaching for 6–18year olds, access to professional coaching + interclub. The season runs from Sept-Mar
A low cost family membership allows you to take part in club days/nights with free entry in club tournaments, along with subsidised beginner level coaching for 6–18year olds, access to professional coaching + interclub. The season runs from Sept-Mar
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Sports & recreation, With the young
The Dugout (under Memorial Hall)
The Parade
The Parade
Paul Howard
The Paekākāriki Football Club is a big part of the community and is the only sporting club representing the village. The club has two senior teams with a mixture of different skilled players and a junior football league.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Sports & recreation
Paekākāriki School
90 Wellington Rd
90 Wellington Rd
Wed: 4.30-5.30pm (7-13 years)
We practice Combat Hapkido, a self-defence martial art. Come and learn the discipline, get fit and empower yourself.
Filed Under: A-Z, Sports & recreation, With the young
St Peter’s Hall
Wed: 6.45am-8am
Sue Hurst
012 1458216
We meet up for mutual help in the art of speaking in public. We focus on sharing and developing the art of telling stories from our lives, and on the tricky act of impromptu speaking.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Directory of Everything, Sports & recreation
Lower Campbell Park
The Parade
The Parade
Junior football training and games from age 4 up.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Sports & recreation, With the young
10 Wellington Road
04 905 8024
Friendly atmosphere for you and the family to enjoy! We show the odd rugby match and run a fully stocked bar. Our club rooms are also available for hire.
Filed Under: Drink, Sports & recreation
By appointment
We recycle bikes and lend them out for a small annual fee. Our focus is sustainable transport. We have bikes of all sizes available.
Currently operating a limited service from homes, due to St Peter's Hall basement being closed. Please do not leave bikes there.
Currently operating a limited service from homes, due to St Peter's Hall basement being closed. Please do not leave bikes there.
Filed Under: A-Z, Clubs & groups, Lending libraries, Local Services, Sports & recreation, With the young