From the Paekākāriki Community Board

It’s our mission to engage with you in the most effective way possible. We are here to work for you, to promote your issues and initiatives and to be a conduit for community development. To enable democratic local decision-making and action, by and on behalf of Paekākāriki. If you’ve got ideas or concerns, we’d love to hear from you. How? You can call and email us, chat to us after gigs, over beer or outside the milk fridge at Horace’s. You can come along and speak at our public meetings. Seriously, we want to hear what you have to say!
We also administer three grants: Paekākāriki Community Board grant, the Campe Estate community fund and the Paekakariki Services Club community grant. You can find our grant applications at the links, in our documents below or you can visit the KCDC site here. You’ll also find our minutes and agenda plus our meeting dates on the calendar.
Wainuiwhenua (excess Transmission Gully land), SH1 Revocation and the Paekākāriki seawall replacement are hot topics and will continue to be for some time. Read through the document files to know more.
You’ll find a whole bunch of other official and useful stuff on this page from building consents to rubbish and recycling services.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our members or pop along to a meeting if you’ve got something to say — or just come along to hear what ideas and issues others in the community may have. Bring some biscuits, we’ll do the tea.
Board members: Sophie Handford, Sean McKinley, Sorcha Ruth, Kelsey Lee and Christian Judge.
We meet every six weeks at St Peter’s Hall on Tuesdays at 7.00pm. Nau mai haere mai!
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