Locally Crafted Gate a Welcome Addition to Hall

The gate that adorns the east of the main doors of St Peter’s Village Hall has been designed and carved by artist Alan Wehipeihana who is resident in studios on the second floor of the Holtom’s Building. Alan has been creating art in Paekākāriki for more than 30 years and you can see more of his amazing work in the large gallery to the right of the stairs to the artists’ studios on the second floor.

The gate is built from old matai boards salvaged from the Hall when the floor was replaced in 2021. They were then prepared for Alan’s designs and execution by Francis Mills. The complete design captures images of much that Alan loves about Paekākāriki. If you take a few minutes to look closely you will find iconic images of this village – houses nestled into trees, Norfolk pines, railway lines, birds, seagulls, beach vistas, eels of the streams, flaxes, bright stars at night – and, of course, some of the people of this special place.

You can see more of Alan’s work on his Facebook page or in his studio, or contact him directly at [email protected]