Yangon Calling!

Mark Coote documents Paekākāriki showing solidarity with the Burmese democracy movement. Raising funds for the civil disobedience movement opposing the military coup in Myanmar with food and music.

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Nothing humdrum about Hilary

Much more than just a Paekākāriki personality, Hilary Baxter was also a poet. Judith Galtry writes of a life troubled by mental health issues and the shadow of her father.

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Trace, travel safe and educate

If we can learn anything from the current situation in Auckland, it is to heed the advice of officials and to not presume any of us are exempt from either contracting the Covid-19 virus or spreading it. Neither is our village immune – with many of us commuting into Wellington and travelling to Auckland, it’s a good idea to remember we all need to do our bit to keep the community safe – even when it’s an inconvenience, writes Community Board Chair, Holly Ewens.

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An animated mural for Pearl and Florrie’s Way

Last year on Paekākāriki.nz, we published a piece on the extraordinary life of Florrie Ward after she passed away aged 103. Now, almost a year later, as part of the Paekākāriki Arts Walk, the Station Precinct Trust is working on a proposal to add a colourful and rather innovative mural to the fence on Pearl and Florrie’s Way – the beach access that leads from the end of Beach Road to the beach.

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Dancing and dealing in vinyl

The ongoing rise in popularity of the vinyl record is reflected in the community success of Paekākāriki’s Village Vinyl Fair and Village Dance, returning Saturday 13 February.

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The opportunity to serve – Philip Edwards

While many were celebrating the end of 2020, Paekākāriki farewelled its previous Community Board Chair – the inimitable Philip Edwards. Well-known to Bowling Club regulars and councillors alike, he is remembered for his inclusive style, his penchant for jandals, and most of all his commitment to this community and to his family. We share with you the tribute from Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow and current Community Board Chair Holly Ewens, read at his service at St Peter’s Hall on New Year’s Eve 2020, alongside other tributes.

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2020: a year in flags

From global warming and Covid flags to recently departed friends and berating Netflix, Paekākāriki local Keith Johnson’s choice of a remarkable range of flags often comments cleverly on issues. Flown from a flagpole on the northern edge of the Kāpiti village, he shares the reasons behind his 2020 selections.

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