Get Hitched

Hitch is an exciting new carbon-reducing commuting scheme starting up in Wellington. Paekākāriki has been chosen to trial this car-sharing initiative and you can be part of it.

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Home of the Barefoot Learner

From its early days by the railway in an old farming shed in 1886, to the celebrated home of the barefoot learner today, Michael O’Leary has researched and published a book about the history of Paekākāriki School.

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The Sea Goddesses

Taking inspiration from the incredible Paekākāriki Mermaids, the Sea Goddesses take the plunge to shake off the demands of daily life.

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Picturing our Changing World

Paekākāriki’s Felix Pharand Deschênes is playing a major role in helping define the visual narrative of the Anthropocene — the age we are now said to inhabit, a time when we as humans are exerting more influence over the planet’s environment than any other element.

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The Paekākāriki Mermaids

All over the world, people are taking to frigid seas, lakes and rivers ‘like fish to water’. Paekākāriki has a couple of brave groups that swim in the sea all year round. This article profiles The Paekākāriki Mermaids.

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Haere rā Trish

‘It was fitting that our beloved Trish Delaney had the last laugh when we farewelled her in true Paekākāriki fashion under a full sun and a super blood moon. We heard her laugh and her cheery voice boom out through St Peter’s Hall after the many tributes had been made.’ Julia Truscott writes a beautiful tribute about our beloved village member, Trish Delaney.

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