Beware the kororā!

Vivienne Jeffs asks us to look out for our local taonga, the kororā (little blue penguin), as they come ashore to nest and reminds us how we can help protect them.

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Predator Free Paekākāriki – got a trap?

Predator Free Paekākāriki traps rodents and records the results. They need your help to do this – you could even win $30 worth of goodies from Paekākāriki Fruit Supply. Maree White and Amelia Geary update us on Predator Free Paekākāriki’s latest trapping news from around the village and their upcoming event.

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The Housing Crisis and KCDC: have your say

The Paekākāriki Housing Trust needs your help to ensure Council has the tools to make a difference to the housing crisis. Tina Pope suggests a solution and urges you to fill in the council’s affordable housing survey. You have until 5pm on Friday 8 July to have your say.

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Paekākāriki Surf Lifesaving needs your help!

Karen Simpson provides an illuminating overview of the history and function of the Paekākāriki Surf Lifesaving Club. In continuous operation since 1913, saving many lives and providing numerous community services, the Club is now in desperate need of a new building. This is where the community comes in – it’s time to give back to this essential organisation to ensure its survival.

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Matariki plant-a-thon

Megan Salole on a change of name for Paekākāriki’s Matariki planting project with a useful kōrero around the appropriate use of te ao Māori concepts. Buy a pack, and/or join others in the community at Wai Ata this Friday 24 June at 9am to help restore our natural habitat.

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